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“The price of greatness is responsibility.”
Winston Churchill

Do we expect too much from our public figures? Plan your response, and then write an essay... 

Since young, being responsible is instilled in one as a value that one must uphold with throughout the life. Regardless of how trivial the entrusted duty is, we should always try our best in accomplishing it. This is to serve as a repay to the one who has placed his trust on us, and the accomplishment of the designated task signifies, “you are reliable”. In a similar manner, public figures are the individuals that we have placed our trust on. Due to their eminent potent ruling the top management positions in a society, we tend to immortalize them, and thus sometimes, expect too much from them.
Due to our high expectation to the public figures, their lives are always being scrutinized under microscopes by us. They do not have much the so-called basic rights, as they do not have privacies, as the paparazzi will always inspect them and report any single blunder they have made in life.  The best instance depicting this flaw is via the life of the celebrities. Relationship problem occurs in everyone’s life, but when the pedestrian story takes place in celebrity’s life, it tends to be amplified. For instance, love triangle is prevalent in surrounding, but Brad Pit, Jennifer and Angelina Jolie, who serves as the public figures do not have the freedom or privacy in keeping this personal afflictions confidential. A simple relationship problem of two has become a controversial topic among the public, and to the extent, where the public to choose which candidate is more suitable for Brad Pit.
In addition, serving as a public figure, the stress level that one has to handle is tremendous. For instance, withholding the position of US president, Barack Obama is a man of greatness and authority now. Besides leading his one family, he is leading US, the strongest nation in the world, and he has to lead other global leaders as well. Every single demeanour of his is under the spotlight. Any mistake in his policy, or even wrong word choice in his speech would induce a chain effect of critics. Thus, the stress he is facing to is understandable, and serving as the public, instead of keep expecting from him, we should prove the action to him. It is also a need for us to always maintain our impartiality; compliment when he implements great policy, criticize when he jumbles things up.
Frankly speaking, sometimes we, indeed expect too much from our public figures. Simple like us, they are just living organisms who inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. The reason for them to be able to be titled as “public figures”, are simply because they are more capable than the commoner, in one way or the other. Although they are saddled with great responsibilities that we have imposed on, they should still be treated like a normal human being. As long as they have dutifully played their parts in the society, they should be given the basic rights that a human being deserves. Remember, public figures are not immortal, and we, as their “supervisors” should overlook their trivial mistakes.

Time spent: 40 minutes.
Comments: Personally, I find this is very digressing. Very bad in working this essay out.
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1 Response
  1. A Says:

    Hello! I think this is a great essay. A well-explained one :) Thank you, this helps a lot. And nice songs you got here (L)

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