farynx 霏滢

“What man calls civilization always results in deserts. Man is never on the square – he uses up the fat and greenery of the earth. Each generation wastes a little more of the future with greed and lust for riches.”               Don Marquis

With our modern awareness of ecology are we likely to make sufficient progress in conservation, or are we still in danger of damaging the earth beyond repair? Plan your response, and then write an essay...

As witnessed from the outcome of Copenhagen Summit held last year, it is evident that human’s greed is still surpassing and overruling the importance of Mother Earth’s conservation. Regardless of the numerous green movements and green energies initiated throughout the years, the surge in modern awareness of ecology simply does not translate into higher amount of the efforts that we have toiled to save our mother nature. In short, instead of being “saviors”, we are still much or less “terminators” to the environment.
Ever since the Inconvenient Truth directed by Al Gore is well published, human being has realized how nasty our situation is now. Just by another 6°C, the Mayan’s prophet would come true ---- the world would come to an end. However, even backed with this horrifying awareness, the efforts in saving the earth are still insufficient.  
For instance, Singapore, which is a small island situated on the equator, has not fully optimized its emphasis on green movements. It is still prevalent for the people to use disposable utensils in having their meals and also plastics bags in buying their daily groceries back home. One may ponder, “How could this happen to such a highly developed country?”It is true that it is shameful to raise this issue in a nation with highly educated citizens. However, one must understand that in most cases, high intellectual ability does not necessarily guarantee high empathy on social issues.  This apathetic attitude is very much related to human nature --- selfishness. As long as the issue does not interfere with one’s current interest, this issue can be neglected for the moment.  
However, this selfish attitude is not displayed by Singapore, but rather a lot of countries in world. It is best depicted through the cases in Copenhagen Summit where one can really feel the anxiety of the small countries in hoping for a positive outcome. As they are the forerunner facing with annihilations, they strived hard for green initiatives. Ironically, their fates are lying on the hands of the developed countries, who are actually the main culprits in emitting carbon dioxide, yet who are not so concerned about the issue, as they are still far from the possible catastrophes.
Unassailably, this truth of human being is extremely realistic as one is always driven by own benefits. Although the concerns for the green movements have indeed appreciated, and the number of people striving to save the earth has increased, the efforts in saving the Mother Nature is still in its burgeoning stage. No matter how high our mental awareness is to the issue, it is futile if we do not take action in saving it. All the sayings would only be fruitful and meaningful if we start to play the role of being a care-giver to our dearest land.

Time spent: writing on paper 15minutes.  
Time spent: computer editing 20minutes.

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