farynx 霏滢

Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.
            “It is a mistake to suppose that men succeed through success; they much oftener succeed through failures. Precept, study, advice, and example could never have taught them so well as failure has done.”                                                                   —Samuel Smiles, Scottish author (1812-1904)

Assignment: Is there truly no success like failure? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

In my opinion, no success is ever a success if there is no failure confined in the journey in attaining the success. Failures are necessities to make one successful, as they are precious experiences that really makes one grow, via learning through the mistakes one made, and thus empower one in overcoming its weakness and transforming oneself into a better position in facing more challenges ahead.

Certainly one may argue that there are people who really succeed through their journey without having a single failure, and this is mostly attributable to their carefulness and shrewd in planning their steps in winning the triumph. However how high is the possibility for such person to exist? I would say, such scenario is truly rare. I believe that there are more people who actually made mistakes throughout the journey, but those who are successful are those who are able to learn through their mistakes, improve themselves and thus build up a stronger sense of immunity towards failures and have the persistency or perseverance in achieving their own success in life.
Another argument point would be, if one succeeds without going through failures, is the success that one obtained sustainable? Due to the easiness in attaining the success, it is believed that one who does not go through failure would have a much lower resistances towards downturn, compared to those who bag their triumphs by amending tons of mistakes throughout the journey. Due to the hardship or deadlock that they have went through, it is highly believed that they have adopted a stronger sense of perseverance. Just like the adage mentioned, peak only comes after going through a valley. Those who climbed up from the valley would definitely cherish the moments at the peak more and doubtlessly want to maintain the success. So maybe it has led to an argument point of, how everlasting would the success be, between one who obtain it without failure and one who obtain it through failures?
If one is to examine the legends of the world leaders, one or two failures definitely existed in their lives. Nobody is perfect, and nobody is really capable in attaining a great success before falling down. For instance, Oprah Winfrey, the great lady on TV show now, is a great real life illustration in depicting this. She became so successful in life, but throughout her lives, she faced failures as well. But she managed to overcome the failures, and that is why it differentiates her from the other people.
Conclusively, I would say men indeed succeed through failures. There may be one or two cases that are so fortunate to succeed without failures, but majorities of the remarkable people succeed through failures. They were challenged with failures, but they ruled the failures at the end. And through all the lessons they have learnt from the failures, they radiate and shine in our eyes.                                                     

25minutes spent.
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