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SAT assignment
Is memory central to our progress, or does it merely hold us back?

Ever since we arrive to this world, memories are embedded within us. Perhaps it is not evinced; it is undeniable that these memories are inveterate within us. Fully consent with what Luis Bunuel reckons, I agree that a life without memory is no life at all. Without it, we can’t reason well, as there is no past experience that we can refer to.  Similar to the role that history played in guiding us not to repeat our mistakes, memories serve a similar mission. It is a root that signifies what we have went through, a depository that backs up our experience, a unique treasure that distinct us from one and another.

The reason why I strongly attenuate the importance of memories is very much afflicted with my current internship in the scientific research area. As one is aware of, tremendous reasoning and analysis are to be done in this ever-changing field. Thus abundance of past information, or we called as memories in this case, is intrinsic. All these information serves as a , linked up our thoughts. From the past experience, we are able to detect flaws or dubious parts that can be ameliorate, in order to upgrade the technology invented. Attributed to these discoveries in the past encounters, it allows us to further modify the product that we have. This is the power that is unleashed from memories, a very critical part in advancing our progress.

I believe the importance of is not solely in the scientific world, but also part of our daily lives. Let’s imagine, without memories around, we wouldn’t improve the ways we do things, since we can’t even recall the old methods that we use.  One of the examples is fertilizing plants. Without the existence of memories, we would not remember the physiological effect and special requirement of each plant in absorbing nutrients. Hence instead of providing the required nutrients to the plants, we might instead poison the plants by fertilizing with the wrong chemicals.

Indisputably, memories sometimes hold us back; however this theory is only valid if we dwell in the past without moving on with life. Stuck at the deadlock of life, memories might contribute a trauma or fear in further exploring the other parts of life. However, it would be too sweeping for us to conclude that memories hold us back because of the different perspective of life. Thus, I strongly compute that memories are central to our progress, as it serves as a useful library which provides us with vast amount of cognizance that we accumulated throughout our lives.

Time spent: 25minutes
A hodgepodge of thoughts without proper reasoning. :P

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1 Response
  1. Senna Says:

    Nice! Excellent examples. Also liked how you included the other side of the argument while still sticking with your claim.

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