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The novelist John Hersey wrote, “Learning starts with failure; the first failure is the beginning of education.”

What are your thoughts on the idea that failure is necessary for education to take place?

Failure, as most adages relates to, is the main constituent of success. In a similar manner, I would say failure definitely serves as a critical element in driving one to learn. In the process of learning, failure tends to point out our weaknesses and blunders that we have made, and thus give us a chance to learn from mistakes. This feature is unassailably crucial, as it provides a chance to let us know where we stand, and thus pushes us to really strive in attaining knowledge that we want to pick up in our lives.

Based on the biographies of the achievers in the world, it is relatively easy for us to understand the impacts of failures on one’s success. One of the famous persons who learn through failure will be Thomas Edison. The fluorescent lamp that everybody uses today is a fruition of his efforts, by encountering failures up to thousand times. However, he denied the fact that failure actually slowed him down, but rather failures are what made him learnt and drove his invention successful at the end. This is because failure enlightens us, makes the mistakes that we made obvious enough for us to realize, and thus provide a chance for us to learn and make improvement to the blunders.

Apart from that, failure is necessary for education to take place, as it makes one to remain modest for their accomplishments. This humility is necessary for one who wishes to attain great achievement in life, as it allows one to absorb knowledge constantly. It serves as a reminder for one not to be boastful about their current achievements and thus maintain a correct attitude towards new knowledge, as one would always feel the greatness of knowledge that one is unaware of. Somehow, the failure in the learning journey has turned out to be a training ground, for one to both absorb knowledge and also to toughen one’s mentality in facing challenges.

Based on the points emphasized, it is thus indisputable that the role of failures in education is irreplaceable. Without the existence of failure, a real knowledge-seeking journey would not be realized, as there is nothing that serves as a mirror, which able to project out the weaknesses that one might neglect, due to the self-complacency accumulated by the achievements throughout the journey.
Time spent: 33 minutes.
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